Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Holy Crap Story!

I love watching Dragon's Den. I try to watch it religiously!  So I tuned in this evening expecting to see people with clothing lines, a few silly products, and I get to be entertained for and hour!  Well to my surprise there was actually a product that was of interest to me!  Holy Crap Breakfast Cereal!  A Chia based wheat free, gluten free, lactose free, and they also offer a sugar free breakfast cereal - Skinny B Breakfast Cereal!

The main cereal ingredient is Chia or Salvia Hispanica L., which typically contains 20% protein, 34% oil and 35% dietary fibre.  Salvia Hispanica L. contains the highest omega 3 nutrient source found in nature with perfectly balanced Omega 3,6,9 profiles and ratios. The next more abundant ingredient is Hulled Hemp Seed, which is low in carbohydrates, contains more protein than milk, meat or eggs and is suitable for those unable to digest gluten, sugar, milk, nuts and meat! 

The vendor indicated that most customers mix 2 tablespoons of concentrated Holy Crap or Skinny B with 4 tablespoons of almond, rice, hemp milk or regular milk or they sprinkle 1 tablespoon on their yogurt, oatmeal, muesli or granola. Then they stir it up and wait 4 to 5 minutes   Hmmm....I'm thinking my Almond Breeze Chocolate Milk! :)  

Wheat free, gluten free, lactose free, vegan, high in iron and dietary fibre, the cereals contain the highest known plant sources of Omega 3, 6 and 9s and are filled with protein and antioxidants. You must try Holy Crap for yourself. I just placed an order and an anxiously awaiting it's arrival!  I'll be sure to post a review once it comes in!

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if you like it and I might order some too, Jim seemed to love it!! Lol
